In 2012 as a student of ethnology I finished my work on study materials for subject of regional education for a small village school in Slovakia. Back then I was offered an opportunity of publishing these materials on my university department website. I did not take an advantage of it at that time. Now my mindset has changed and I publish those materials myself on my own website!
School subject resources
In 2010 I was a student of ethnology and I attended a group fieldwork in Podhorany village (Nitra district, Slovakia). Researchers concentrated on data that could be used for creating study materials for the subject of regional education in Podhorany primary school. During my ethnology studies one of my focus areas was regional education in Slovakia, so I decided to use my knowledge and skills and make a step further and create study and teaching materials for regional education in Podhorany primary school.
Study and teaching materials cover several themes of Podhorany traditional culture: Podhorany history, traditional architecture, traditional holidays, children’s life, traditional music, traditional songs, traditional costumes, handcrafts. All the themes are utilized for two groups – firstly, for children of fifth grade, secondly, for teachers.
Themes in textbooks for children of 5th grade are concisely written accompanied with photographs taken by researchers or photographs from informants’ family archives, phonetic transcriptions of informants’ speech, questions, tasks, etc.
Teacher’s handbook
Texts in teacher’s book are comprehensive and complemented by ethnological literature notes, complete lesson plans, worksheets, manuals, audio and video files. Teachers can also read about history of regional education in Slovakia, recommended readings, yearlong plan, syllabus, ideas for students’ individual activities, list of resources.
CD consists of speech and songs recordings by Podhorany village inhabitants in 2010 when an ethnological research took place.
DVD contains digital versions of worksheets and videos accompanying information in textbook for pupils and teacher’s handbook.
Podhorany regional education in 2021
Although, the subject of regional education is no longer taught in Podhorany primary school due to personal changes, there are many schools were regional education is a part of the school curriculum. I hope that materials I created could be useful and inspiring for others too; therefore, everyone can download them for free. I apologize to my English-only readers – materials are available just in Slovak language – but you still can have a look at them…
In an ethnological monograph
Regional education study materials I created are mentioned in a study written by teachers from the university department where I studied ethnology published in an ethnological monograph entitled Ethnology for the 21st Century – Bases and Prospects. The monograph was published in 2017 (below is the reference of the article). Google Books offer a preview of the monograph, and my name can be found in an index. There is also a link to a page number where the text containing my name and study materials, that I created for the subject of Regional education for a primary school in Podhorany village, is.
- JÁGEROVÁ, M. – BEŇUŠKOVÁ, Z. – AMBRÓZOVÁ, J. 2017. The practical Application of Folkloristics. In Ethnology for the 21 century : Bases and Prospects. – Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 2017. ISBN 978-80-210-8860-3. p. 99-108.